Katie Casebolt
2 min readJul 27, 2022

Eyes on the flag got accepted into a playwright festival on the lower east side at Thanksgiving! It’s a big deal and a big step for me but probably ultimately not huge?

I’m pretty sure the guy didn’t even read it and just accepted it. I kind of feel like he accepts everyone? Can’t say for sure but someone else was saying that when they were in the festival a few years ago there were 88 other plays. Well, i believe she said 88 other people, so does that mean in total like actors and tech or does that mean 88 other playwrights? Can’t say, didn’t want to ask.

Anyhow, I have a fundraiser going because I can’t decide if i want to hire michigan actors and then pay to hotel them or if i want to cast nyc actors and spend more time in the city myself to work with them. can’t decide. literally every day i go back and forth on it. big issue is that i don’t really know of any female actors who can carry the role here. and if they can’t act Anna as she should be, long winded as she is in the first few pages of soliloquy.

Anyhow, i’m hoping to meet my goal in my gofundme, obviously, but mostly so i can set dates and figure out what i need. If it’s just money to pay actors then i can start booking my own arrangements, cashing in gift cards and whatnot. but if i choose to hold on to what little bit of control id have as a director and work with michigan people then i need to try to save extra for hotels. because good lord, two hotel rooms or two airbnb rooms for a few days is hundreds of dollars.

not to mention how difficult it’d be to cast actors who don’t mind missing thanksgiving or rushing to tech rehearsal at 1130am black friday morning. it’s NOT a really good or accessible time slot for me but i didn’t feel like i could ask for something different because this guy seems like a self-serving choad who would kick me out rather than change dates. there are legit 13 pages of notes, rules and the redundant offering to use their 88 props for free despite paying $150 with the contract. so- decidedly NOT free because I paid to be there which is why i feel like it’s a cash grab for him rather than a true love of stage writing and shit) But i’m still taking it as a positive because im putting all of my own work into it anyhow. so it’s basically my show. which im fine with because honestly, at this point, i need to be in control of how my play is worked because after that sham refusing to be silenced festival where it was a complete disaster with the worst acting ive probably ever seen….. i need to.

Anyhow, if anyone sees this, please donate. https://bit.ly/3PD4oml

