Things are poppin

Katie Casebolt
2 min readMar 9, 2022

This morning I got a message saying that my murderous play, Evening Etiquette, was picked for a Women’s History Month short play festival. My first play produced!

I told my temp coworker Tyler about the play and why I am excited about it being presented as a Refusing to be Silenced themed Zoom play festival and he laughed at the premise but then followed it up with a “What’s wrong with you?” to which I answered “Probably a lot of things. But it’s a dark comedy so it’s funny.”

“Ok, self,” I said out loud to myself “first ball rolling is not steak and kidney pie. Next ball? Hopefully a call from Flint Rep about Eyes being accepted into their April/Maybe festival. And then? JULLIARD! Which, as you know, means basically taking over the world because being paid to write plays in the best city in the world is basically playwright takeover.

Selfishly, though, I do wish that the people in my life could muster up more than an “oh cool”……….. I mean, after years of writing, classes, networking, contests, failures, rejections and grief I finally have someone actually interested in a story I created out of nothing so pardon me for feeling a little discouraged that something I am so proud of doesn’t even get a high five. Just the vocal equivalent of a shrug.

My Dutch bestie is proud of me at least. She’s all I need.

